Annual Report Is Here

Every year, as required by law, charter schools across Minnesota prepare a little thing called an “Annual Report.” The purpose of the report is to share with the school’s stakeholders how students, staff, and school performed in the previous year. It covers not only management and operations, but also environmental education, academic performance, and much more. We just released Annual Report, which you can find here.

This 50+ page document can be a little overwhelming (to write and to read), but it can be very informative, too. When parents want to know “how is the school doing,” this report gives you the hard data (x% are reading proficient), as well as the soft data: the background that helps to create an environment for the hard data.

Students, as you well know, are much more than any one given data point. This report has many data points, all in an effort to provide you with a broad picture of a whole child. Life-long success is not merely measured by one specific test, but rather so many variables that it may seem almost impossible to determine if a child will ultimately grow up to be a happy, independent, and self-assured adult. This report gives you the information on a school-wide basis, provides you with information about what systems we have in place that are working well, and gives you the plan for systems that have room for growth. Future plans and goals are included as well.

So, here it is! This report covers the 2018–2019 school year. Of course there is no way that we could include all the amazing things that our students and staff have done in such a small report, so we encourage you to read the report, but also check out our Facebook page, where the day-to-day activities are recorded for you in picture form. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time 🙂